Parish Council
Parish Council Mission Statement
It is the mission and responsibility of the Parish Council of St. Anthony of Padua, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to create, nurture and sustain a vibrant parish family.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we commit to serve in partnership with the Pastor and all parishioners to foster open communication, inspire a unified, active parish life and care for the gifts we have been given as we strive to strengthen our faith and reflect the love of Christ.
The Parish Council is composed of a member from each active ministry and is led by the Shepherd’s Council which is a board of five members appointed by the Pastor.
For information regarding Parish Council meetings or events, contact Sandy Padilla at
Shepherd’s Council will have openings this summer. If you are interested in applying for a position on Shepherd’s Council, please submit your name and contact information to Deadline to apply is April 30th.
Future Meetings:
- Monday, March 24th and April 28th at 6:45pm in Room 207
Click here to submit your St. Anthony of Padua Event Proposal/Room Reservation Form
Click here for the Event Review Form