The Choir of St. Anthony’s Policy Manual


The Choir of St. Anthony’s

The Choir of St. Anthony’s is open to those in 9th grade and beyond who demonstrate a genuine interest and possess an understanding of serving the parish through the gift of music. This handbook has been developed to provide basic information on the program to facilitate a smooth and positive for all, including choristers, directors, and clergy.

Attendance. Participating in a musical ensemble is no different from participating on a sports team. Each member brings something of value to the table. Each member is counted on to be engaged and present in rehearsals, Masses, and other events. Please do your best to be at every rehearsal. The success of the entire musical ensemble depends on everyone’s full commitment. We understand that the world is crazy and your family is tugged in many different directions, but we firmly believe that faith must come first. Please communicate with us.

Choir practices are held on Tuesday evenings. Unfortunately, if you cannot regularly commit to Tuesday evening practices, you will not be able to participate in the parish choir.

Drinks. Remaining hydrated, particularly in the summer and winter, is especially important for healthy singing. Please ensure you are properly hydrated on the days leading up to rehearsals, Masses, and performances.

Snacks. Eating while singing can have deadly consequences. Candy, chewing gum, and other foods/candies are strictly prohibited at rehearsals. Occasionally, situations such as Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and birthdays present themselves as good times to snack after rehearsal time is completed.

Food Allergies. Please inform the choir directors if you have a food allergy or other dietary concerns.

Dress Code. All staff, children, and parents are expected to be dressed in commonly accepted church-appropriate attire at all times, including weekly rehearsals. Until the parish can acquire traditional choir robes, children are asked to dress in their Sunday best for Masses and concerts. Boys are asked to wear button-down collared shirts with a necktie (please, no ties that light up or make sounds) and pants with a belt. Girls are asked to wear church-appropriate dresses or skirts. At rehearsals, church-appropriate casual clothing is permissible.

Mass Warm-up. Call times for Masses will be provided. The call time is typically 45 minutes before Mass. The warm-up time is significant to sing your best. During this time, choristers can calm their nerves, enter into prayer, and spiritually prepare themselves for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. If members come late (for any reason) it makes everyone nervous and confused. These feelings of nervousness and confusion are typically amplified by chronic tardiness. We will head to the Sanctuary ten minutes before Mass gets settled in our seats and then offer a musical prelude (depending on the Liturgical season).

Preparation before Mass/Concert. Just like with rehearsals, choristers should arrive well-hydrated before Mass. Medical research indicates that this hydration needs to occur several days, not several hours, before a performance. Choristers are not to leave Mass for drinks or the bathroom except in extreme bathroom emergencies. Simply put, this disrupts the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and distracts all. Please use the bathroom when you arrive.

Notice Regarding Background Checks and Onboarding. All regular adult volunteers must undergo fingerprinting with the Archdiocese of Las Vegas and complete Catholic Mutual Group’s online youth protection training. Fingerprinting and youth protection training with other organizations does not satisfy archdiocesan policies and procedures.

This is a non-negotiable requirement.

All regular adult volunteers agree to adhere strictly to all archdiocesan policies and guidelines. All adult volunteers and staff members undergo monthly background checks through the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This is for the safety and well-being of all—children and adults! Please be advised that lead time is often six to eight weeks, depending on the time of year.

Ministry v. Performance. You are participating in something much more important than a musical performance. During most of the Mass, they lead the entire assembly – often people much older than them – in sung prayer through chant, hymnody, and acclamations. Your participation in the choir is meant to build yout faith and knowledge of Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, help you learn what it means to be a Roman Catholic and engage in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass while using music as the catalyst for delivery.

Music Selections. St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church is focused on following the teachings of the 2nd Vatican Council. Contrary to popular belief, Sacrosanctum Concilium, the preeminent Church document promulgated with Vatican II, did not forbid chant, organ, or Latin. It reaffirmed the use of chant, organ, and Latin within the context of the Novus Ordo Mass.

Unlike the model currently employed by other parishes, this choir seeks to offer a more complete and well-rounded musical experience that draws on the Church’s rich two-thousand-year-old musical tradition – not just music of the last forty years.

Practice at Home. Our music can easily be found on YouTube and other popular outlets.  The Catholic Mass regularly uses words that are brought over from Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, and early/middle English. Some words come from contemporary English that are not always the easiest for youth to pronounce.